Background Checks

Our team of highly trained, professional investigators will provide prompt and confidential service for your investigative needs. When conducting a Background Check, the report will include property ownership information of the subject’s county of residence with emphasis on purchases and sales made by the subject and/or spouse. Additional searches are conducted in surrounding counties or other states based on the findings of the comprehensive report and the social media review of the subject, spouse and children if applicable. The social media review is conducted during asset and background checks to locate images and/or posts pertaining to assets such as property, vehicles, business conduct and other such asset related information. The Background report will include business information and documentation made available from governmental and/or local resources regarding income sources that are available for public access. Any criminal records will also be included in the search. Veri-Fi will provide a comprehensive report that encompasses the results of our investigation and the scope of our findings, which can be tailored to your specific needs.

Contact us today for a free consultation!